Welcome to The Wandering Isles



Meet the Isles

Click an image to meet the inhabitants of the Isles

Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might


Languages of the Isles

  • Breezemark: A light, airy language with soft consonants and lilting vowels, reminiscent of whispers carried by the wind.

  • Cogchatter: A rapid, technical language with staccato rhythms and precise enunciation, resembling the clicking of gears in motion.

  • Earthscript: A grounded, solid language with deep, resonant tones, mirroring the strength and stability of the earth.

  • Emberseal: A crackling, fiery language with sharp consonants and smoky undertones, mirroring the flickering flames of its origin.

  • Everyday: A straightforward, practical language with clear pronunciation, designed for ease of communication in daily life.

  • Gloomtongue: A cryptic, hushed language with murmured tones and shadowy undertones, exuding an air of secrecy and enigma.

  • Grandiloquent: A booming, powerful language with long syllables and deep tones, echoing the presence of its towering speakers.

  • Gruff: A blunt, grumbling language with rough tones and curt syllables, mirroring the rugged nature of its speakers.

  • Helltone: A deep, ominous language with guttural growls and snarling consonants, evoking an infernal realm of darkness.

  • Howlspeak: A rough, growling language punctuated by sharp barks and yips, reflecting the wild nature of its users.

  • Ironscript: A rugged, solid language with strong consonants and clipped vowels, evoking the clanging of metal and the sturdiness of stone.

  • Lunus: A soft, melodious language with flowing syllables and poetic intonations, reminiscent of moonlight shimmering through leaves.

  • Monolithic: A powerful, elemental language with slow, rumbling tones, like tectonic plates shifting deep within the earth.

  • Netherchant: A guttural, harsh language characterized by deep, resonant tones, evoking a sense of darkness and malevolence.

  • Quicktalk: A lively, fast-paced language with clipped syllables and light intonations, perfect for quick, lighthearted conversations.

  • Rattlechatter: A rough, jarring language with harsh sounds and abrupt stops, mirroring the clattering noise of goblins at work.

  • Runic: A mysterious, symbolic language with arcane symbols and enigmatic intonations, reflecting the hidden depths of its users.

  • Saurian: A sharp, hissing language with harsh consonants and rolling vowels, mirroring the sounds of ancient reptiles.

  • Seraphic: A lyrical, ethereal language with delicate intonations, conveying a sense of celestial grace and harmony.

  • Streamglyph: A fluid, melodic language with a harmonious flow, resembling the soothing sound of water gently rippling.

  • Tacitalk: A visual, gestural language consisting of signs and motions, allowing for silent communication among its users.

  • Thicket Tongue: A natural, earthy language with textured tones, akin to the rustling of leaves and the whisper of the forest.

  • Wildspeak: A melodic, natural language with gentle, flowing tones, reminiscent of birdsong and the rustle of leaves.

From Fail (Nat 1’s) to Grail (Nat 20’s)

Session Character Roll Total Check
Session 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Session 1 Richard/Slate Nat 1 4 Insight check on whether Luna (Comet) liked her job.
Session 1 Ryan/Amaedrianna Nat 20 24 Acrobatics check to throw a piton at Dash to check his reflexes when he was drinking wine.
Session 2 Ryan/Amaedrianna Nat 20 28 Stealth through the crowd and keep an eye on this person who left the boat.
Session 2 Kian/Dash Nat 20 25 Stealth to sneak into his own room as Chicken is rummaging to grab the feather and invitation.
Session 2 Kian/Dash Nat 1 0 Animal Handling to try and get said items back from Chicken.
Session 2 Richard/Slate Nat 20 25 Persuasion to Alyssa to convince them to let Kian keep the invite.
Session 3 Ryan/Amaedrianna Nat 20 28 Tools Check to unlock her father's safe in her first ever trial.
Session 3 Kian/Dash Nat 20 27 Deception Check to entertain the host so that Alyssa can steal the gem.
Session 4 Bizzey/Hatsu Nat 20 25 Acrobatics Skill check to parkour and run away from his trial competitor.
Session 5 Kian/Dash Nat 20 21 Investigation Skill Check to work out the number of guards and occupants of Simul Decker's Iron Boat.
Session 5 Ken/Lysa Nat 1 N/A Acrobatics Skill Check: Missed grappling hook shot to get onto the boat.
Session 5 Kian/Dash Nat 20 25 Stealth Skill Check to stealth away from people on Decker's boat.
Session 5 Kian/Dash Nat 1 6 Acrobatics Skill Check to try and break free from Amaedrianna's grip.
Session 5 Bizzey/Hatsu Nat 20 25 Unarmed Attack: Attack on Eos during their sparring with an elbow uppercut.
Session 5 Bizzey/Hatsu Nat 20 25 Unarmed Attack: Attack on Eos in the very next turn. Double nat 20!
Session 5 Kian/Dash Nat 20 25 Rapier attack on Amaedrianna during a sparring session on the beach.
Session 5 John/Weslyn Nat 20 25 Perception Skill Check: Looking around the woods upon the Crescent Pearl and sees Zephyr.
Session 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Session 7 Ryan/Amaedrianna Nat 20 26 Rapier Sneak Attack to kill an Assassin sent to retrieve Hatsu's Sword and kill us.
Session 7 Ryan/Amaedrianna Nat 20 26 Shortbow Attack to disable the second Assassin sent to retrieve Hatsu's Sword and kill us.
Session 8 Ryan/Amaedrianna Nat 20 26 Initiative Roll to spar with Slate.
Session 8 Richard/Slate Nat 20 21 Initiative Roll to spar with Amaedrianna (straight after).
Session 9 Richard/Slate Nat 20 23 Non Lethal attack to knock out Boreal

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