Welcome to The Wandering Isles
From Session 0 until Now
Meet the Isles
Click an image to meet the inhabitants of the Isles
The Gods
Languages of the Isles
Breezemark: A light, airy language with soft consonants and lilting vowels, reminiscent of whispers carried by the wind.
Cogchatter: A rapid, technical language with staccato rhythms and precise enunciation, resembling the clicking of gears in motion.
Earthscript: A grounded, solid language with deep, resonant tones, mirroring the strength and stability of the earth.
Emberseal: A crackling, fiery language with sharp consonants and smoky undertones, mirroring the flickering flames of its origin.
Everyday: A straightforward, practical language with clear pronunciation, designed for ease of communication in daily life.
Gloomtongue: A cryptic, hushed language with murmured tones and shadowy undertones, exuding an air of secrecy and enigma.
Grandiloquent: A booming, powerful language with long syllables and deep tones, echoing the presence of its towering speakers.
Gruff: A blunt, grumbling language with rough tones and curt syllables, mirroring the rugged nature of its speakers.
Helltone: A deep, ominous language with guttural growls and snarling consonants, evoking an infernal realm of darkness.
Howlspeak: A rough, growling language punctuated by sharp barks and yips, reflecting the wild nature of its users.
Ironscript: A rugged, solid language with strong consonants and clipped vowels, evoking the clanging of metal and the sturdiness of stone.
Lunus: A soft, melodious language with flowing syllables and poetic intonations, reminiscent of moonlight shimmering through leaves.
Monolithic: A powerful, elemental language with slow, rumbling tones, like tectonic plates shifting deep within the earth.
Netherchant: A guttural, harsh language characterized by deep, resonant tones, evoking a sense of darkness and malevolence.
Quicktalk: A lively, fast-paced language with clipped syllables and light intonations, perfect for quick, lighthearted conversations.
Rattlechatter: A rough, jarring language with harsh sounds and abrupt stops, mirroring the clattering noise of goblins at work.
Runic: A mysterious, symbolic language with arcane symbols and enigmatic intonations, reflecting the hidden depths of its users.
Saurian: A sharp, hissing language with harsh consonants and rolling vowels, mirroring the sounds of ancient reptiles.
Seraphic: A lyrical, ethereal language with delicate intonations, conveying a sense of celestial grace and harmony.
Streamglyph: A fluid, melodic language with a harmonious flow, resembling the soothing sound of water gently rippling.
Tacitalk: A visual, gestural language consisting of signs and motions, allowing for silent communication among its users.
Thicket Tongue: A natural, earthy language with textured tones, akin to the rustling of leaves and the whisper of the forest.
Wildspeak: A melodic, natural language with gentle, flowing tones, reminiscent of birdsong and the rustle of leaves.
The Wandering Isles Variant Ruleset
Death in The Isles
Permanent Constitution Loss: If you die and are revived or resurrected, you permanently lose 1 point of Constitution. This reduction cannot be reversed, representing the wear and tear of death on the body. Over time, this ensures that repeated deaths have lasting consequences, eventually preventing characters from being revived indefinitely.
Death Saves: Keeping the Tension Alive
Private Rolls: Death saving throws are kept private, adding to the drama and uncertainty when a character is on the brink.
Discretion and Awareness
Magic Use: Before casting a spell in public, assess the local attitude toward magic. In regions where magic is feared or outlawed, even minor spells could lead to severe consequences, including fines, imprisonment, or worse.
DM Inspiration and Social Checks
Creative Play: DM Inspiration rewards creativity. When somebody makes a particularly creative play or says something funny or smart, they are usually awarded inspiration that allows them to have a re-roll of a failed check. They may only have one DM Inspiration at a time.
Exploration: Fog of World
Discover and Engage: The world unveils itself through personal exploration, allowing for unique interactions and encounters. Your journey shapes your experience.
Game Edition
We play D&D 5e
Health on Level Up
Rolling Only: Roll for HP on level up, but you can’t gain less than your CON modifier, ensuring your character remains resilient and ready for challenges ahead. We also re-roll 1’s.
Initiative: Breaking Ties
Tiebreaker: In the event of a tie, roll a d20. The highest roll wins initiative, ensuring no two actions happen simultaneously.
Magic Perception
Regional Variance: Magic is viewed differently across regions, with some areas outlawing its use. Navigating these differences is crucial to your survival and success.
Rapid Drinker
Potion Use:
Bonus Action: Drink a potion and roll for healing.
Action: Drink and receive the maximum healing possible.
Resting: Gritty Realism
Long Rest: 7 Days
Short Rest: 8 Hours
Experience a harsher world where rest comes less easily, making every healing moment precious.
Summons Control
Shared Responsibility: Summoned creatures can be managed by the group, ensuring smooth and coordinated combat.
Technology and Magic
Technology: The world of Arraness blends magic and technology reminiscent of modern devices. This is a world that grew up without magic, fearing it. As such, alternatives were discovered.
Travel and Exploration
Rare and Challenging: Travel is rare, and adventurers are both revered and feared, adding to the mystique and danger of the open road.
World History of Arraness
A Tapestry of Divine and Mortal Influence: The history of Arraness weaves together divine interventions, cultural shifts, and the delicate balance of magic and society.
The adventure reaches new heights—both literally and metaphorically