Ekdíkisi Tintreach


Ekdíkisi Tintreach

Eos is played by Rory. You can follow him on Twitch.

In the quietude of a village near Asazaki, Eos navigates a life marked by hidden truths and ancient legacies. Raised amidst a world of both magic and mundanity, she learned to balance her unique heritage with her mother's enigmatic past. The undercroft of her mother's bookshop became a sanctuary for Eos, where whispers of forgotten lore echoed in her soul, guiding her journey of self-discovery.

Eos's innate abilities, inherited from her lineage, blossomed in secrecy. The village, unaware of her true nature, spun tales of a sickly child shielded from view, pondering over her mystery. Yet Eos grew resilient under her mother's careful watch, her powers a testament to the depth of her heritage.

Amidst the seclusion of the bookshop, Eos encountered a visitor who unveiled a connection to her past. This encounter set her on a path toward understanding her place within the tapestry of her lineage, clashing with the confines of her hidden existence.

Eos's journey took a perilous turn outside the safety of the bookshop, where a confrontation revealed her powers, marking her as a being beyond the ordinary. This pivotal moment was a prelude to trials she would face in an abandoned village, where hatred and fear threatened her life.

Through these trials, Eos found herself at a crossroads, confronted by an enigmatic stranger offering a path toward self-discovery. This encounter illuminated paths previously shadowed, leading her into the mists of her destiny.



Eos's robes are a deep shade of purple, flowing down to her ankles, concealing her dark, slender frame. The fabric is soft yet durable, interwoven with intricate patterns that catch the light, hinting at an underlying layer of magic. The robes include a large hood, which Eos often draws over her face, shrouding her identity and protecting her from the inquisitive gazes of others.

The origins of these robes reflect Eos's journey through the town of Asazaki. The primary fabric, a sturdy yet elegant weave, was sourced from her mother's shop, a remnant of the mysterious textiles passed down through their family. This material, dark as twilight, forms the foundation of Eos's robes, serving as a reminder of her mother's resilience and her family's heritage.

To this base, Eos added a series of silver runes, delicately embroidered along the hems and sleeves. These runes, gathered from an ancient tome discovered in the undercroft of her mother's bookshop, imbue the robes with protective magic, shielding Eos from potential harm. The runes' placement mirrors the teachings of her ancestry, echoing the lineage from which she descends.

The robes also include an inner pocket, crafted from supple leather, which Eos uses to store essential items for her journey. This pocket holds a small wand, its handle etched with sigils that amplify her magical prowess, along with a folded parchment map detailing the arcane ley lines of Asazaki. These additions, collected during her travels through ancient ruins and hidden libraries, reflect Eos's resourcefulness and her journey toward mastering her powers.

A slender belt cinches the robes at the waist, made from the same dark leather as the inner pocket, providing both a functional and aesthetic touch. The belt, adorned with a simple silver buckle, symbolizes Eos's ability to navigate the dual worlds of magic and mundanity, balancing her past with her present.

Eos's robes, flowing and hooded, embody her dual nature, serving both to conceal her appearance and protect her on her journey. The blend of sturdy fabric, protective runes, and practical elements reflects her path through Asazaki's world, combining her family's heritage with the knowledge she has acquired, making her robes a testament to her resilience and resourcefulness.


Eos's backpack is a dark, worn leather satchel, its weathered exterior bearing the marks of her travels through the winding paths of Asazaki. The bag's design includes multiple compartments, providing Eos with ample storage for the tools and materials essential.

Nestled within the main compartment is a worn book, its pages filled with arcane symbols and incantations. The book's cover, a deep violet, bears intricate silver runes, their gleam reflecting the knowledge contained within. This book, passed down through her family's lineage, holds a mixture of spells Eos has learned from both her ancestors and her studies, serving as a guiding light on her journey.

Alongside the book lies a small stack of parchment, its pages filled with notes and diagrams, detailing Eos's research into the arcane arts. These notes reflect her inquisitive nature, capturing observations from her travels, and her ongoing studies into ancient lore.

In a side pocket of the satchel, a folded map of Asazaki offers valuable navigation assistance, detailing the city's winding streets, arcane ley lines, and hidden libraries. This map, collected during Eos's explorations, serves as both a practical tool and a reminder of her quest to uncover the city's secrets.

At the heart of the backpack, a purple leather component pouch provides a secure, compact storage solution for the materials needed in Eos's spellcasting. The pouch, crafted from supple leather, bears silver stitching along its seams, reflecting the same intricate patterns found in her robes. Inside, Eos carries a variety of components, each essential to her arcane pursuits:

A small, velvet-lined pocket holds a variety of crystals, including amethyst, quartz, and obsidian. These crystals channel Eos's magical energy, amplifying her spells and serving as conduits for her incantations. Dried sprigs of sage, lavender, and rosemary are tucked into separate compartments, their fragrant aromas mingling in the pouch. These herbs serve as both spell components and symbols of Eos's connection to the natural world, reflecting the balance between magic and mundanity. A small vial of finely ground charcoal is secured within a compartment, serving as an essential element for summoning and transmutation spells. This vial, collected from the undercroft of her mother's bookshop, hints at Eos's family's long-standing connection to the arcane arts. A delicate pocket holds a collection of feathers, including raven, owl, and sparrow, each carefully selected for their magical properties. These feathers serve as components in Eos's divination and enchantment spells, reflecting her studies into the mystical realms.

Eos's backpack also includes basic necessities for her travels: a few packs of dried fruits, nuts, and jerky, providing sustenance; a leather water skin, offering hydration; and a compact flint and steel, enabling her to light fires when needed.