The Wandering Isles - Session 0

The Wandering Isles takes you on a spellbinding journey through enigmatic realms where destiny calls the brave and the bold. Venture into the shadow-laden city of Vurduar with Amaedrianna Blüdfist, as she bids a cryptic farewell at The Spiv tavern. In the bustling metropolis of Palperroth, follow Dash Heidmann's final preparations, clothed in his mother's lovingly crafted leather armour. Travel to the quaint village of Asazaki where Ekdíkisi Tintreach, known as Eos, departs from her mother’s book-laden haven. Join Hatsu Toshitsugu as he inherits the symbolic family sword atop a high rooftop, ready to uphold his clan's legacy. Experience Slate’s bewildering escape from a disorienting confinement, and wander with Weslyn Theiwyse in a city where magical potential blooms under nocturnal tutelage.